"Proficiency in two languages is important but does not
necessarily guarantee translation competence".
I do.
I am Bartosz Orlik, an established and vetted English-to-Polish legal translator.
I help businesses succeed by providing linguistically consistent, competent, and
culturally adapted translations of their most important documents – the ones required by law.
I first discovered my passion for helping people with foreign languages back in 1996, when I got my first, one-off translation job.
I first moved to the UK in 2002. Having passed the Certificate of Proficiency in English in 2003, I regularly found myself being approached by individuals and organisations for my help and linguistic expertise. Since then I have consistently improved my language skills, and in 2007 I officially became a professional interpreter (DPSI, English Law).
In 2015 I was awarded the Chartered Institute of Linguists’ Diploma in Translation, and my professional career has since focused mainly on providing translations for business, law, the social sciences and the military sector.
The best translator amongst handballers.

Translations require military-like discipline and enormous attention to detail.
Interpreting means sharp focus, emotional detachment, and resilience to stress.
I should know – I have been doing it for over 15 years, including the most serious and mentally draining court proceedings, e.g. murder and sexual offences.
Nature and physical activity help me to clear my mind and stay focused. I enjoy expanding my comfort zone and taking on new sport challenges. A good work-life balance means I have the mental clarity to provide you with efficient and high quality service.
M. Sc. in the field of Geography, specialisation: Environmental Protection, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (Poland, 2000)
Postgraduate Management Studies: Business Planning and Marketing, University of Illinois (USA, 2000)
Certificate of Proficiency in English, University of Cambridge (UK, 2003).
Diploma in Public Service Interpreting: Law, Chartered Institute of Linguists’ (London, 2007)
Diploma in Translation, specialisation: Business and Social Science, Chartered Institute of Linguists’ (London, 2015)
Institute of Translation and Interpreting (MITI), reg. number 18330
Association of Police and Court Interpreters, reg. number 90211
NRPSI – National Register of Public Service Interpreter, reg. number 13955
Specialising in legal translations for businesses, law firms, and the public sector.
Based in: West Sussex, UK
email: bartoszorlik@gmail.com
tel: (+44) 07904692521
(+48) 690314995